Learn to knit online

This ‘Learn to knit online’ area is designed to help beginner knitters (and lapsed knitters) get into the knitting groove. The Q and A pages are designed to be used in conjunction with the online knitting video tutorials.

The Learn to Knit Q and A posts  aim to address basic knitting techniques that are important even before you learn to knit in the practical sense. They’ll answer questions that will help you avoid common pitfalls and get you feeling like a knitter..

The ‘Q and A’ posts will cover lots of common learner knitter questions such as:

  • Which knitting needles and yarn should I be using?
  • What’s the difference between yarn and wool?
  • Is wool better than acrylic?

The Knitting Video Tutorials will deal with the knitty gritty of learning to cast on and get your first knitting project underway.

Keep checking back or follow us on facebook (www.facebook.com/charliebuttonknitkits) to see when a new Learn to Knit question or Knitting video tutorial has been added.